Website Advertising

Guests come to every day to make vacation planning decisions. Our new advertising program gives our Partners the opportunity to go “beyond the listing” to appear in prime, high traffic-spaces throughout the site.

Visit Hershey & Harrisburg is working with our internet technology partner Destination Travel Network to manage the program. DTN is a division of Simpleview, the company that developed our website.  We’re confident that this partnership will yield a high level of digital advertising success for the region’s Visit Hershey & Harrisburg-affiliated tourism businesses. The advertising placements in the program offer options for small to large businesses at an investment level that fits any budget and marketing goal.


Email the DTN Support Team to request more information about getting started. 

They can walk you through the options and tailor a digital program that provides targeted exposure for your business. Thank you for your continued partnership and support of Visit Hershey & Harrisburg’s efforts to promote our region to visitors and to expand your online exposure to potential customers!


Desktop DTN view

DTN Phone advertising