Co-Op Billboard Advertising

Visit Hershey & Harrisburg is proud to offer our valued Partners a way to help you reach your local audience in an affordable and effective way! The Billboard Marketing Co-Op Program provides financial assistance, marketing expertise, and coordination of local billboard advertising.

VHH secures popular digital billboard locations in high traffic areas in the Hershey Harrisburg Region. This is your opportunity to promote YOUR business via digital billboard advertising. Inventory is available to investing Partners to purchase a calendar-year max of two (2) billboards for up to two (2) months each, with Visit Hershey & Harrisburg paying 50% of the cost of each board. 

Billboards are co-branded, with Visit Hershey & Harrisburg creative on approximately 30% of design. The remainder of the board is dedicated to promoting YOUR business! To ensure consistency and efficiency, the billboard can be customized for your business with three elements within a defined design. You'll provide an image, business name or logo, and a Call-to-Action (CTA- web address, phone, etc.). Our team will take care of coordinating the design and ad placement. We’ll provide a proof to you for approval.

Billboard Examples

Billboard 3.

Billboard 4.

Billboard 1.

Here are the quick and easy steps to participate.

Submit completed form a minimum of 8 weeks prior to flight date. *Billboard inventory is based on availability and program funding. 

  • Visit Hershey & Harrisburg will review and notify you of the status of your request.
  • Upon approval, invoices will be sent to you. Payment must be received to secure location and run time of the billboard.
  • We’ll coordinate with the designer and provide proof to you for approval.
  • We will be able to accommodate one round of revision only. Additional revisions will result in additional cost to Partner, and potential decreased run time.
  • We will coordinate billboard execution with media agency.

We recommend that requests be placed as early as possible to ensure that you reach the right audience at the right time. Please contact Steve, Director of Strategic Partnerships for more information.

Please complete all of the following fields with information to ensure that your submission is complete.

General Information

Billboard Information

We recommend that you send the largest file possible. JPG or TIFF format. - High resolution - Horizontal orientation - Minimum 1500 pixels wide - 72 dpi

Logo or business name to appear on billboard. Please provide PNG, EPS or AI format.

Maximum character limit: 30 characters. Examples: website address/url ( -or- telephone number: (1-800-123-4567) -or- text: Exit 17 from Route 83

Please indicate preferred start date. Billboards will be active for 4 weeks.


By executing and submitting this Application, the Applicant acknowledges and agrees, upon award, to abide by all terms and conditions of the Visit Hershey & Harrisburg Co-Op Program Guidelines and to cooperate fully with all requests of Visit Hershey & Harrisburg. Non-compliance or lack of cooperation, as determined solely by VHH, may result in suspension, revocation and/or repayment of the funding, debarment from future funding programs, or other appropriate penalty. On the basis of the foregoing information, and accompanying documents, this application is hereby submitted for consideration.


* Indicates a required field.

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